Getting Some News...

Outbrain Teams-Up with OMD to Support Launch of Newsroom
OMD UK has launched the Newsroom, a real-time insights and ideas team, as part of a series of initiatives. The agency has teamed up with leading data and publishing launch partners, including Buzzfeed, The Guardian, Global Radio, Google, Facebook and Outbrain, for the launch…

Outbrain Among Partners for OMD UK ‘Newsroom’ Launch
OMD UK partners with Buzzfeed, The Guardian, Global Radio, Facebook and Outbrain for ‘Newsroom’ launch. OMD UK has launched a real-time creative unit, Newsroom, in partnership with Buzzfeed, The Guardian, Global Radio, Google, Facebook and Outbrain…

Outbrain Recommande Tous les Sites du Groupe Le Monde
Déjà partenaire du, Outbrain, spécialiste de la recommandation de contenu, vient de nouer un partenariat pluriannuel exclusif avec le groupe Le Monde afin de déployer l’ensemble de ses outils sur huit de ses sites internet (Le Monde, Télérama, Le Huffington Post, Courrier international, La Vie, L’Obs, Le Plus et Rue89)…

Rodale Partners With Outbrain to Dial Up Traffic For Prevention, Other Sites
Magazine publisher Rodale has entered into a multi-year partnership with Outbrain, one of a handful of players that have emerged over the past few years promising to help media companies generate more Web traffic…

Outbrain Uses Data To Improve Content Marketing
Since founding in 2006, Outbrain has built up to serving 200bn content recommendations on publisher sites every month, most as suggestions at the bottom of online articles. Now it wants use some of that breadth to improve the relevance of those recommendations…