How does Outbrain index URLs and learn about my editorial content?

Verifying your site’s metadata is key for organic recommendations. Meta tags are elements in the head of your HTML to describe the content of your site briefly for your referrers.

Outbrain will crawl information about the URLs we are indexing in order to serve more interesting and relevant recommendations to your readers. Here’s a list of some items we look for in your page’s meta tags:

  • Title (required)
  • Image (required)
  • Description
  • Publish Date
  • Author
  • Content

The best way for us to gather this information is via microdata or via Outbrain proprietary tags. We highly recommend deploying one of these options across your site. 

Find some tag examples here.

If you want to exclude pages from being recommended, you can do so in the editorial controls in your Outbrain dashboard. If you have multiple pages not to be recommended, you can implement a meta tag and inform your account manager about the preferred behavior.