Case Study
+76%total revenue increase
Sky is one of the world‘s leading media and entertainment providers. Beyond its many streaming services - from TV subscription channels to entertainment platforms - the media company also operates highly successful Internet portals.
Sky Sport Austria leveraged Outbrain’s recommendation platform to increase revenues and user engagement through personalized content.
Initially, Sky Sport Austria implemented Outbrain’s Smartfeed, a personalized feed experience that serves ads and editorial recommendations based on user interests. Promising early results led to an extension of the collaboration across in-article placements.
Outbrain’s Native In-Article solution provides access to a range of new Smartad formats aimed at high viewability. Creative options include Native Display, Native Video and Native Social, which extends top-performing advertising campaigns from social to the open web.
This Native In-Article solution is powered by a sophisticated serving logic to ensure that the highest yielding Smartad format is delivered to audiences for maximized engagement rates and revenue potential.