Brand Studio | Interactions
With a need to drive awareness and engagement, the brand needed to introduce the luxurio...
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5.5xhigher engagement vs. CPG category benchmark
3.44%engagement rate
"As a leading brand in savory snacks, which is consumer-centric, we are always seeking for new media in order to stay relevant, leading and connected to the motivations of our consumers. We are happy to have done it with the Outbrain team. The results were both above our CTR benchmark and gave motivation to enjoy Doritos." - Avri Mishtary, Digital and Content Manager, Strauss Frito Lay
Strauss Israel owns an in-house unit for the independent management of digital media. In an outsourcing model with 'Union Media', Doritos challenged Onyx Brand Studio to engage snackers in a playful and memorable way. The objective was to showcase its ‘new look’ blue tortilla chip (Dippas) – made from its three signature and natural ingredients – as the perfect snack for sharing and hosting.
For CPG brands, it’s a matter of thinking outside the bag in order to grab user attention quickly and sustain it. Alongside Strauss Frito Lay, Outbrain’s Onyx Brand Studio team deployed a group of dynamic creatives where audiences were able to swipe or be drawn in by the power of video to learn more about the new Doritos Dippas. Each custom-made and animated format helped grab user attention, while also amplifying the brand’s message that the new blue chip was the go-to choice for hosting company.
The Doritos campaign helped gather essential learnings that facilitated decision-making to maximize the brand’s performance in terms of engagement.
User-initiated plays saw stronger video completion compared to automatic playing of the video ad. This opt-in video format had a 68% start rate, indicating consumers preferred to own the decision of whether to play the video.
Implementing the swiping option resonated best with consumers, as it felt more natural than tapping or clicking. Compared to click rate, Swiping drove 10x better engagement.
CPG audiences are open to giving their attention to brands in an environment they trust. Tactile ad experiences that they also find respectful and relevant to their time on the open web garner the best attention and engagement.