Case Study
+15%RPM lift (January to June 2021)
+21%CTR (January to June 2021)
Pubfinity, the only programmatic advertising platform on Windows, is focused on helping publishers monetize their PC games without detracting from the user experience. Through a rigorous publisher and traffic vetting process, as well as Moat and Pixalate monitoring, Pubfinity ensures all ads are only shown in high quality, brand safe environments.
With over 3 billion ad impressions available each month, Outbrain’s advertisers now have an easy way to reach the once elusive PC gamer at scale and globally.
Pubfinity partnered with Outbrain to help monetize its ad inventory by connecting to Outbrain’s global advertiser demand via a server-to-server API integration. This enabled Pubfinity to effectively tap into a range of fully-reviewed ads that wouldn’t impact the user experience, including formats such as:
– Non-interruptive native ads with a seamless UI integration
– Outstream video with user-initiated sound, which allowed Pubfinity to capitalize on growing advertiser video budgets